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1 Rupee Commemorative Coins Complete Set

1,200.00 + 5% GST

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SKU: RIC1RVW Category:
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1 Rupee Commemorative Nickel 10 gms – 2 Coins

1. 1964 Jawaharlal Nehru

2. 1969 Mahatma Gandhi

1 Rupee Commemorative Copper Nickel 6 gms – 15 Coins

3. 1985 International Youth Year

4. 1987 Small Farmers (FAO Series)

5. 1988 Rainfed Farming (FAO Series)

6. 1989 Food & Environment (FAO Series)

7. 1989 Jawaharlal Nehru Centenary

8. 1990 Care For the Girl Child (SAARC Year)

9. 1990 Food For the Future World Food Day

10. 1990 15th Year of ICDS

11. 1990 Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Centenary

12. 1991 Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

13.1991 Tourism Year

14. 1991 Rajiv Gandhi

15. 1992 Food & Nutrition World Food Day

16. 1992 Quit India Movement Golden Jubilee

17. 1993 89th Inter Parliamentary Union Conference

1 Rupee Ferratic Stainless Steel 4.85 gms – 9 Coins

18. 1994 International Year of the Family

19. 1995 8th World Tamil Conference Saint Tiruvalluvar

20. 1997 Cellular Jail Port Blair

21. 1999 Saint Dnyaneshwar

22. 2002 Lok Jaya Prakash Narayan

23. 2003 Veer Durgadas

24. 2003 Maharana Pratap

25. 2004 150 Years of India Post

26. 2010 Reserve Bank of India Platinum Jubilee

Additional information

Weight 154 g


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